Thread: Tattoo
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(#47 (permalink))
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Tenchu (Offline)
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09-18-2009, 09:13 AM

Originally Posted by JackIsLost View Post
you made an example of "schools don't allow muslim people to wear head scarfs" seriously, only the females wear their gourmets that cover their face (schools around here don't restrict them), boys and teenagers don't wear "head scarf" from what you call it, that is your ignorant racist ways shining through. my 3 years of combat tours, never once did i see a child wear a "head scarf" on their head. it's for town leaders, religious leaders, and adults. get a hold of yourself.
Muslim girls start wearing head scarfs sometimes from the age of about 3 or so; they do in Thailand. I live in a very Muslim area.

In this example, I was reffering to Muslim high school girls in France who're being sent home from school for wearing a "religous symbol". The ban also covers stars of David, crosses, funny Jew hats, so on. But only the Muslim girls are the ones who're feeling exploited by the law; it is very important for them.

Originally Posted by JackIsLost View Post
another example you gave is no blacks on golf courses? seriously? what the hell
To this day in America, there exist golf courses which do not allow negros.

Originally Posted by JackIsLost View Post
why set the bar a little lower for someone else if that is the standard that should be held for everybody?
It's called social acceptance; indiscrimination. Obviously, if you live in Japan, you might want to think twice about getting tattoos because you're already aware of the social retardations. But for tourists or people on business runs who have heavy tattoos, they're going to be in for a very big shock at Japanese intolerance in some social settings. It will be unpleasant for them, even to the point where some people are going to have to consider not going to Japan, because their way of life is unacceptable.

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