Thread: Tattoo
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JF Ossan
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09-18-2009, 04:45 PM

Originally Posted by Tenchu View Post
Yes, it's freedom to express yourself without fear of social rejection. These hold very important and significant meanings to some people, and were they to travel, it would be very offensive to them to be excluded from social gatherings because of this.
When you choose to ink yourself you are absolutely inserting yourself into the realm of social rejection. You are rejecting the norm and entering a different social realm.

Tenchu, when I explain the Japanese cultural perspective, it doesn't mean it is MY perspective. Just so we are clear.

And Japanese do understand there are tattoo cultures outside their own...very much so. I said that.

However, you are the owner of a public bath. Your public bath doesn't allow tattoos simply to keep yakuza baddies out. In walks a white guy with Muay Thai tattoos and says "I am not yakuza. I want to use your public bath." Do you let him in?

No. You do not. Because once word gets back to the local yakuza they let the white guy with tattoos in, the yakuza will be screaming "discrimination" and making a lot of unwanted noise.

It isn't racism or discrimination, but a desire to keep one's business from going bankrupt.
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