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09-18-2009, 07:38 PM

Originally Posted by samurai007 View Post
For me personally, I believe Reagan was the best President of the last century, so I wouldn't mind him speaking. Bush Sr. did get all kinds of flak from Dems when he spoke, including a full-on Congressional hearing.
Who cares though, in that regard. If the President is delivering a good message, he should go on and do so whether people approve or not.
The lady probably couldn't tell you what it was going to be about because no one knew what it would be about.
No, she literally didn't have a clue, which is sad. I knew what his speech was about. He was going to tell kids to stay in school and all that jazz. This woman didn't even know that much. I could see not knowing the contents, but it's sad that this woman, who just doesn't like Obama in general, didn't know what the speech was going to focus on.
Yeah, Obama claimed it'd be on staying in school, but the homework assignment originally given out didn't match that claim at all.
It technically did. "How can you help the President?" By staying in school, doing your work, and doing the best that you can. Besides, it wasn't Obama who came up with the assignment; it was the Board of Education that did.
And many people are feeling like Obama had already fooled them once, with his grandiose campaign promises, and then turned around and governed very differently than he'd promised. (Of course, he'd promised so many different things to different people, he couldn't fulfill them all, they were self-contradictory. Obama pretended to be all things to all people, and then it was impossible to match the hype.) So when he promised an innocuous speech but the homework sounded more like the Hitler Youth loyalty pledges, it brought back images like this (how do these videos play with the left, because the freakin' creep the hell out of most non-leftists, especially the 1st one...) :
I find this entire statement here very offensive towards our President. If this was said about any previous President, I'd be saying the same exact thing.

I'd comment more, but seems I'm behind the times. I just noticed this post today. I'm finally back on my own computer instead of using my laptop. ^^
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