Originally Posted by bELyVIS
The Japanese quest for perfection always made me think of OCD as a cultural trait in their society.
OCD is an extreme anxiety disorder not something someone can be taught. People with OCD have reoccurring obsessions and thoughts that they want to ward off so they have some sort of ritual they follow in order to keep these thoughts at bay.
Don't say you have OCD unless you've been diagnosed, OCD is a VERY serious condition. Just because you like to keep things tidy doesn't mean you're OCD it means you are a protectionist or anal and avoiding public restrooms is more of a Germ Phobia than a disorder.
I would more consider them to have a small degree of Germ phobia, since fears are usually taught and you aren't born with them. Or it's a behavior they've been taught since they were young and it's just part of life.
And it doesn't seem all that unusual to me, mostly everyone does that here....
I usually cover the toilet seat, use my foot to flush, hands to turn on the water, use my elbow to get paper towel, use same paper to turn the water off and then use my elbow to open the door. I used to avoid public restrooms at all costs but due to a medical condition I have no choice but to go when my body tells me too.