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(#19 (permalink))
sorasky (Offline)
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09-20-2009, 03:59 AM

Originally Posted by Undertherose25 View Post
OCD is an extreme anxiety disorder not something someone can be taught. People with OCD have reoccurring obsessions and thoughts that they want to ward off so they have some sort of ritual they follow in order to keep these thoughts at bay. Don't say you have OCD unless you've been diagnosed, OCD is a VERY serious condition. Just because you like to keep things tidy doesn't mean you're OCD it means you are a protectionist or anal and avoiding public restrooms is more of a Germ Phobia than a disorder.
It's true, OCD can't be taught. However I have been diagnosed with a mild case of OCD. I don't wash my hands 1,000 times a day or anything extreme like some, but I do things like washing my hands and touching certain things repeatedly to reduce anxiety. You don't necessarly do 'rituals' to ward off thoughts, but to reduce stress and anxiety as a whole. Also, some people do rituals because they feel that if they do the same thing everyday and everything is exactly the same, nothing bad will happen, like death, illness, etc. But these tend to be more extreme cases. OCD has different forms and extremes. I just wanted to clear up my statement that I said I was too 'OCD' to go to a public restroom. I mean it is a phobia of germs too, however germs can cause stress, which would start compulsive behavior like washing my hands repeatedly. That's why I avoid public restrooms in general.
Also, I wouldn't say OCD is a serious condition in my opinion unless it's severe, as in it interferes with your daily routine drastically to a point where you have no control. Plus people can actually reduce or completely eliminate obsessive behaviors from therapy or medictation. I've been doing better ever since I started taking anxiety medication, so I guess that's why I feel it's not that bad. To me, it's just severe cases or OCPD that are serious.
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