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burkhartdesu (Offline)
JF Old Timer
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Location: Alaska
Exclamation Comfortable bathing in public? - 09-21-2009, 02:54 AM

One of the things I found most awkward in Japan was bathing publicly.

It was completely disturbing. Not because I was embarrassed, but because the way I was treated by other, err, bathers.

I was literally yelled at for getting the tatami mat wet, and not properly drying before stepping on in it -- and of course I got some weird stares (being that I'm such an attractive American ). People take their public bath houses very seriously in Japan, especially when you're a gaijin.

Another time I was stripped naked by an elderly Japanese woman (the owner of the establishment). She was seriously, 4'6'' or 4'7'', 110 pounds, and had to have been close to 85. My travel-mates were laughing, but she was pretty aggressive. I'm not sure was she was hurrying me up so much, as the place was pretty empty at the time. Maybe I was stinky, lol.

Eventually I found some beautiful places that were actually quite relaxing. I met some really cool people at a bathing house in Kyoto, and it ended up being one of my best travel experiences.

Weird how things work out like that.

Anyone else have any input?

Has anyone tried the electric bath?

Last edited by burkhartdesu : 09-21-2009 at 03:05 AM.
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