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MMM (Offline)
JF Ossan
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Join Date: Jun 2007
09-22-2009, 03:57 AM

Interesting reply, GTJ, and I agree with everything you said. Since you mentioned it.

1) I think the cart is being put before the horse. You are merchandising a product that doesn't exist. To answer your original question, no I probably wouldn't be interested in this title, but that's mostly because I like seinen manga, so the plot does not appeal to me.

2) I agree with GTJ the art style screams "OEL manga". I think your graphic designer is Kimiko, but I am reading conflicting accounts of whether she is in Tokyo or in San Francisco. This does not look like a cover done by a Japanese person. However, looking closer it says the book is by someone names Nancy Meas. I thought Miyuki Nakata was the creator. Please explain.

3) You say you are fluent in Japanese and read manga and books in Japanese, not in English (you made that very clear) but the Japanese version of your website is full of mistakes.

ホムページ ケレータプロファイル ガッレルユ ストルユ ボアルド チャプテル クオミクストリプ ショプ エヴェント アボート クオンタクト

I bolded the words that are written incorrectly.

Now do you want to tell us what is really going on?
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