Thread: Guns and Japan
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JF Ossan
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09-22-2009, 04:12 AM

Originally Posted by Sangetsu View Post
This is incorrect. Guns can be possessed in Japan if you have a license. Approximately 200,000 people in Japan are licensed gun owners. I was surprised to see a gun shop just the other day. Guns in Japan are for hunting and sporting purposes, and the former prime minister was an avid shooter (he was a member of Japan's Olympic shooting team).
However there are more gun enthusiasts in Japan than gun owners, and for most Japanese gun ownership will remain a fantasy. For a lot of them gun ownership for hunting or target shooting isn't really the interest, but the gun (pistol) culture. Many Japanese gun enthusiasts only ever get to fire pistols at firing ranges outside of Japan. Pubic firing ranges in the US are often visited by Japanese and other nationals from countries where gun ownership is strictly restricted and attitudes about gun ownership are generally negative.
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