Thread: Tattoo
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JackIsLost (Offline)
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09-22-2009, 12:57 PM

Originally Posted by Tenchu View Post
I'm covered in tattoos that represent my family, religion, profession and self; all with great pride. these tattoos are placed mostly all over my torso, but also my shins, thighs, and upper arms.

I'm proud to be a boxer. I'm proud to be a soldier. I'm proud of my faith. I'm proud of my family. I'm proud of who I am.

Is there any chance left in the universe I will ever be accepted into a Sumo stable?
Tenchu, you can't have the best of both worlds. that's just life. if you really had the desire to be a sumo (which you don't) then you would not get tattoo's because of your drive to succeed as a sumo. i still do not see how you, as a tourist, will have so much hart ache visiting this country that you should not visit. it's a path that you walked, you can't walk two roads at the same time. succeed in the one you took.

still haven't answered my question
Originally Posted by JackIsLost View Post
can you explain a situation where japanese intolerance was so high it would cause a tourist to feel so unpleasant, to the point where they have to consider not going to japan? have you been discriminated in japan? or you just imagining that "if i was in japan i would be highly discriminated"

sorry for the crappy posting and quoting, i'm trying to talk to multiple people over different mediums


my gun is bigger than your gun

Last edited by JackIsLost : 09-22-2009 at 01:01 PM.
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