Okay... Against my better judgment, I tried to do it on my own using Jim Breen's and my paltry collection of verb guides. I
know this is going to be wrong. Again, I would be
more than delighted to pay someone more qualified to do it, but at this point, I'm a little scared of what that might cost, if it's by-the-character.
Any and all suggestions/comments/cries of outrage are begged for. Also, I have no idea how spacing is supposed to work in Japanese.
東京の感染症の急速な広がりは極度な力の使用を周囲の 地域のそれ以上の伝染を防ぐ要しました。
およそ24時に、防衛省は汚染の脅威を中和し広まった爆� �� 作戦 を始めます 。
(Here's where I'm certain I epic-failed.) 関東地方の残りの生存者が すぐに関西の兵庫県の 指名な災害救助センター に 避難しなければ行けません 。
I'm officially terrified and exhausted. Thank you to Raiha, for your help and encouragement. I used a lot of what you gave me.
Edit: Hurrr, for some reason, my kanji isn't posting right... That little ??? blurb is supposed to be ばくげき. Don't know why it won't display... unless it's a censored word. I suppose that is a bit of a hot button.