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MMM (Offline)
JF Ossan
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09-23-2009, 07:16 PM

Originally Posted by miyukisama View Post
Overall, thanks for all the input, it's given me a lot of insight, and I'm determined to pursue this project to its fullest extent whether the public audience apprecates it or not.
Then five posts and two hours later...

Originally Posted by miyukisama View Post
That's fine. I'm ready to call quits on this project. I just want to draw, write stories, play my guitar, make new friends who accept me for me. I did not intend to confuse anybody and JF is less than welcoming than I thought even if I'm just starting out.
If comments by a couple anonymous strangers on the Internet are enough to get you to quit, then probably quitting is not a bad idea because the project was probably doomed from the start.
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