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KyleGoetz (Offline)
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09-23-2009, 11:07 PM

Originally Posted by minminRW View Post
Native Japanese do not use Juu-nen-sei (10th grade) but Koukou-ichi-nen-sei (high school 1st grade).
It's tough to translate this into Japanese but use Japanese in a US cultural context, though, because 高校1年生 would mean 9th grader, not 10th grader, to someone who knows Japanese but not US culture. Our high school begins at Japan's 中3年.

Thus, I think US Japanese classes teach 1〜12年生 to avoid that problem.

Sort-of relatedly (but not really), 海外旅行 makes less sense in the US, because it's possible to travel abroad without crossing an ocean. I was taught pretty early on in my Japanese courses that I (a Texan) could use 海外旅行 to talk about my trip to Canada, even though I never cross an ocean.

In Japan, on the other hand, any travel abroad is 海外 since it's an island nation.
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