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Sangetsu (Offline)
Busier Than Shinjuku Station
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09-25-2009, 10:03 AM

Thank you for calling this to my attention. Winter is coming, and I now feel the need to go out and buy a new fur coat. Maybe some fur gloves as well, they feel so soft. And, while I'm at it, I'll get my mom some fur-lined boots for Christmas, they are very warm.

If Kim Basinger doesn't want to wear fur, that's fine. She can simply wear fake, petroleum based, and potentially carcinogenic fur. We pump enough oil out of the ground to make lots of that stuff, and cheaply too. Of course, if she doesn't want to wear a petroleum product, she can simply wear cotton, or some other vegetable-based fiber. Of course, these fibers are grown on farms (not unlike fur-bearing animals), and these farms take up what was once forest and wilderness, which displaced the animals which used to live there. The ones which still remain often get picked up in the harvesting machines.

If you think ketchup is a vegetarian item, then you obviously haven't been on a tomato farm, or worked in a tomato processing plant. Any number of mammals, reptiles, amphibians, and birds get picked up by the harvesting machines, and a good percentage of them are pureed with the tomatoes.

Ignorance is bliss.
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