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Nathan (Offline)
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09-25-2009, 02:12 PM

Originally Posted by JasonTakeshi View Post
Seems like its impossible (for now) to stop scanlations. You down one, and ten will merge. So its pretty much irrelevant to partnership or not to with MangaHelpers or any other "ripper" out there. There are countless websites with free translation and even more to come... Making it pointless to associate with "one of the big ones".

You publish it? They scan and translate it.
You make it digitalized? They crack it and translate it.
You make it theatrical? They gypsy-film it and translate it.

Piracy will always exists, even more now with this new technologies. Unless this "world" called Internet gets a better protection, things will remain the same.

Options? Better control on searching engines. (such as Google, etc)
By better i mean "hide" or "omit" everything illigal from the public.

Would not solve the problem, but hell it would make some difference.
You can't really censor the words used for piracy, since the means used are legal, its the data that's being obtained that's illegal. A torrent by itself is perfectly legal, and can be used to share legitimate data; it just so happens to be the tool of choice for a lot of pirates.

"Omitting" it from a search would be like me telling the world we should boycott boats - after all, people use them to smuggle in drugs. Or a complete ban on firearms - who cares if people use them for legitimate hunting, people hurt others with them!

I'm not saying I agree with piracy, but censorship is dangerous territory. Unfortunately, its one of the only 'real' ways to 'police' the internet at this juncture.
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