Thread: JF is unique
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Columbine (Offline)
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09-25-2009, 03:00 PM

Originally Posted by darksyndrem View Post
I was thinking the other day, about how much this place sucks and how a lot of people hate it, and I realized how unique, not this place, but the people here are. I don't think you would ever meet people anywhere else like the people here...don't get me wrong, it's not necessarily a good thing (or a bad thing, really). But, where else would you find a kid that openly talks about how he got drunk at a friends house and almost died, and has a bunch of fines now? Or randomly post pictures of yourself in your underwear? Not just that, but think about how different everyone here is...not from everyone else in the world, but from each other. We have guys that wear a bunch of girls clothing, and people that think we're all gay...guys wearing make up, and shaving random parts of their body...and girls that like it......and hate it ofc. The diversity of this place is pretty crazy imo, but maybe it's just me.
BWHAHAHAH, oh man. This place is interesting, for sure, but it's in no way unique. Actually, if it stands out for anything, it's that it's member's are kinda polite and well behaved in comparison to other sites.

You clearly haven't been around the internet enough.
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