Originally Posted by Ronin4hire
Well there's nothing morally wrong with it necessarily...
But I'd say there's something inherently flawed in such a mindset in the same way that there is something inherently flawed with the concept of nationalism in general.
Please explain this inherent flaw. There is a difference between nationalism and national pride. If national pride is a bad thing, it might be worth pointing out that China probably possesses more such pride than any other nation.
But if China represents Asia, Japan may not want to be a part. The annual per-capita income in China remains under $3000 per year, whereas the annual per-capita income in Japan is near $40,000. It's only because workers in China are paid little more than slaves that the Chinese economy is so strong. On top of this, Chinese workers must work 25% more hours to earn 1/13th the pay they get compared to Japanese workers.
The above statistics are the main reason I do not and will not buy anything made in China. I will not subsidize such slavery with my money. The next time you buy a $125 pair of Nike basketball shoes made in China, it might be interesting to note that the cost material and labor that went into those shoes was probably less than $1.