09-28-2009, 07:41 PM
Well its been ages since I've actually been on this forum, but when I came across this topic I simply had to say something.
First of all, I live in a middle class city in Canada with upwards of about 220,000 people. If I were to walk around the city all day, I bet ANYTHING at least 85% of people have tattoos (at least one). Why? Because tattoos are socially accepted here.
Now, I don't have any tattoos personally, I'm NOT against them, I think they can look very beautiful and very nice on some people. I don't have any because tattoos, while beautiful are too permanent for me, and I like change.
I have two friends who we'll call.. Bob & Jane, who are real, but these are not they're real names.. who are covered in tattoos. Bob literally has them everywhere, and Jane wants them everywhere.
Both of them want to go to Japan, and neither of them will listen to me when I say, "You won't be allowed in everywhere/Accepted everywhere" they simply think that I'm over reacting.
I have two friends who live in Japan, one who loves her life there, and one who hates it so much, she's actually leaving. I've never been to Japan myself (not yet). However, having two close friends who live there, I hear all about the drama they go through, as foreigners point of facet.
If you look up tattoos in Japan, on Google, or Wiki, you'll see that it does say that tattoos are generally becoming more acceptable in general society. If you look at Japanese celebrities such as ; Miyavi, Kyo & Karuo (from Dir en Grey), Namie Amuro & Lina Aishima (Adult film actress) you'll see that YES the Japanese do get tattoos.
HOWEVER.. it does NOT matter what race you are, you will not get into most Onsens, and I know of many other places such as bars & gyms that won't allow tattooed people who's tattoos are showing. It's not racism, it's culture.
Racism, is like saying "No foreigners with tattoos allowed, tattooed Japanese welcome". The Japanese saying "we don't want tattooed people in here" (wherever here may be) is not implying that you're a criminal, or that you disrespect anyone, it's to keep their business, family and friends away from unneeded strife.
If I owned a use car dealership, and someone came in with a car they bought 1 year ago and said "The breaks are starting to go, I want a new car" and I said "Sure! Why not?!" and gave the guy a new car, I'd have to do it for everyone who came in about the same problem. This is the same for the Japanese and Onsens, if they were to let you in simply because "Well I'm Caucasian, therefore can't possibly be a Yakuza!" then they'd have an uproar on they hands for every other tattooed person they denied access to their Onsen.. not just Yakuza members.
Tattoos are not seen by everyone in Japan as horrible things, that are always disrespectful, as I said earlier tattoos among Japanese celebrities are becoming more common. I have a video about Shibuya, and in the video there's a young Japanese guy, with piercings, tattoos and pink spikey hair.
It's just that, and I can't stress this enough.. Japan went through YEARS of tattoos only being accepted with Yakuza members, and it will take a very long time before Japan looks at tattoos and says "Whatever".. it may never happen.
If you're a African-American and go to a rural part of Japan, or a Caucasian female with blonde hair.. people will stare at you because some Japanese have only ever seen this on their televisions.. so if you go to Japan and have tattoos, and people stare at you, it can be one (or two) of three things ;
1) That person's never seen a tattoo on someone before;
2) That person's never seen a tattoo on a foreigner before;
3) That person doesn't like tattoos. (NOT because they think you're a criminal, it may just be a personal preference)
Anyway, I've gone on enough, and I should wrap this up, and prepare for my lashing, because I'm sure, as logical as my post is, I'm sure someone strongly disagrees with me..