Originally Posted by mzamike
Hey all,
So I had my Aeon interview a few weeks ago and sadly was not offered a position. The envelope at the end is a pretty dramatic way to end things...haha. but after i cried my way home and drank my sorrows away I applied to ECC. I couldn't find much on JF about their interviews but i know it's almost the same deal but with a lengthier grammar test. Luckily i won't have to fly all the way to Toronto but a nice, short flight to San Francisco! So is there anyone here that currently/previously worked for ECC that can give me some tips for success, or their interview experience so i can prepare myself a little? Any help is much appreciated. Thx.
Last I heard, ECC had frozen hiring. This was back in the spring, so it might have changed.
There are tons and tons of unemployed foreigners floating around here looking for work so, like ravenous fish in a small tank, when the tiniest of morsels floats down into their midst, it is almost
instantly devoured.
So... good luck!