Thread: Tattoo
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(#84 (permalink))
redline (Offline)
JF Regular
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Location: California
09-29-2009, 04:45 AM

I have tried to remain neutral on this subject, but I feel its is time for me to say something. Tenchu, having tattoos, and being a practitioner of muay thai myself I completely agree with you that tattoos should be accepted everywhere and by everyone especially those of religious meaning. But, this argument isn't supposed to be about people that don't accept tattoos. This argument is about onsens that turn tattooed people away. Just because they turn you away doesnt mean that they don't accept you or your tattoos, what they dont accept is the said yakuza, and the only way to keep them out without causing trouble is to ban ALL people with tattoo's from the onsen, and is not meant as an insult or a way to discriminate people with tattoos. I hope that you can change your mind about the Japanese people because how can they accept our culture if we can't accept theirs, "do onto others as you wish others to do onto you".
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