Thanks for link trunker, I'll check that out.
Hi sangetsu! Thanks for the honest reply. Well, I did think about studying in the US. The very first university i got interested in was Northwestern, but full scholarships are not very much available.. I'd probably still check in case there's a good opp, but then, I also wanted to be nearer to my home country, easier and cheaper to go home for holidays/emergencies. And Asia, i believe, does have good universities for post-grad.
I was considering jap. univs vs. Singapore's (nus), and i decided to go w/ jap. Yeah, a big part of my decision comes from the desire to experience its culture and environment. I mean, why not somewhere i feel i can be at home in? I do believe that Japan, the world's 2nd largest economy wouldn't lack above-average business schools. I guess it's really difficult to ascertain w/c would be a good choice unless we live there or have first-hand info from students who are actually pursuing their degrees there. But no doubt, American b-schools have the best programs. And there seems to be a growing influence of the West b-schools on the Jap b-schools, in terms of program curriculum, teaching methods and the like, at least that's what websites say. I also plan to take advantage of the student exchange program, which most of the jap univs i checked offer in their mba. This is when i'll probably opt to go have a term in a univ in the US.
well, plans can change, que sera sera
my, this has gone long..ΓΌ thanks for your suggestions