Originally Posted by Nathan
GTJ - What sort of visa do you have now / can you get a hold of a working holiday visa? I think they are quicker to obtain, although you can only work part-time on them.
I'm American, we don't get working visas
Currently on the 90 landing permit, just submitted all the paperwork for a Certificate of Eligibility (which precedes a visa, if any of you don't know) since one place was kind enough to help me out, but if it actually gets accepted remains to be seen. Immigration officers have a horrible reputation of being extremely moody.
You could always, you know, have a shotgun wedding and get a spousal visa
Now, because I know you mean that in an innocent, joking way, I can't get mad at ya, but it's worth pointing out that I came close to punching some employers in the throat for saying this to me. I'm currently dating a Japanese girl, we live together, and have been together almost a year now. However, it's a real, honest relationship that we want to go at the pace at which it will go; we've discussed marriage for visa purposes, and we've both decided it's a bad idea. So when employers tell me (this has actually happened), "well, you're a fantastic candidate and we'd love to hire you, but we don't want to/can't sponsor your visa. Why don't you just marry your girlfriend?", and I'm hearing it for the twentieth or thirtieth time, I'm sure you understand my desire to react violently.

First off, isn't getting married without even having a job just a little irresponsible? Second, who the f(*&^ are you to talk to me about my personal life (to the employer, not you)?
Sorry if it sounds like I just flipped out... I haven't really gotten to vent about it, and when youv'e been rejected for jobs as many times as me, it starts to wear thin on ya.
Er, so the point is, if you don't have any particular aversion to it, getting married for a visa is a viable option. However, there are requirements... you can't just get married to someone on paper and say "see ya later".