Originally Posted by knucKles
I would love to get my wisdom teeth out again. It was such a wonderful pain. Better than any other pain. I got 'em out all 4 at once with just a local anaesthesia. And after that no civil service. Awesome! Actually the lower ones were grown horizontally in my jawbone so the doc had to cut the flesh, then saw the teeth into 3 little pieces and pull 'em all out. The upper left one was infected and the anaesthesia didn't work at all so the doctor had to pull so hard that the tooth flew through the whole room and was never found again. I mostly ignored the painkillers and I love baby food.
Another weird thing I discovered: Before I left the country to study in Japan for a year I was having some intimate times with my ex-girlfriend. I got a little bit bored but in the middle of the fun she started crying. I asked her why and she replied that this is the last time before I go and that makes her so sad. When I saw her tears and heard her whimper it turned me on so much. That was great.
Am I weird? I don't think so...
That wasn't pain, that was Lora tab ;D