Jeez, I'm seeing a god complex developing among the mods. Were you guys this aggressive when Jerry Seinfeld pointed out the weird things in daily life? Just because I still wonder about some things and want to see what other people think about it... so NONE of you are guilty of this? Wait, don't answer that.
Kay so I'll just go ahead and not discuss JAPAN on JAPANFORUM from here on out.
back on topic, @JoshAussie: I'm looking! Most of them I'm noticing are from Asahi, the one in the green can. They're always eating something with lettuce, like a hot dog wrapped in lettuce wrapped in bread, or a gyro-looking thing with lettuce, so it makes a huge crunch and then they down the beer and it all looks ridiculously refreshing and I have to go to the store to get some. Damn, they're good, lol
@DarkSyndrem: Dude, I know, haha. Thing is "the wife" likes to have the TV on when she's home and gets ornery if I turn it off, so I'm stuck! @_@
@SpoonyBard: What's not to smile about? You have a glassfull of beer!