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(#17 (permalink))
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Columbine (Offline)
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10-04-2009, 10:25 PM

Originally Posted by MMM View Post
If this principal and her husband were arrested for trying to change the drug laws or for promoting the legalization of marijuana in Japan, then I would call it injustice.

But they were arrested for committing a crime everyone knows is very illegal in Japan and very frowned upon. They are also 1) in a very high profile position and 2) non-citizens. Two more reasons why committing this crime, or any crime, is stupid.
Exactly; it doesn't matter about the country or wether ganja should be legalised or not. If she'd been working for a high profile school in London and had been caught smuggling, she'd be in very hot water, just the same. It doesn't matter what the substance is either, the fact that she is a public figure in a position of respect, and she's abused it by how she chose to act. If she were drunk at work, she'd get fired and if she were fired, her visa sponsorship would likely be withdrawn and then she would be deported. That's not illegal, but an abuse of trust nonetheless. The fact that pot is illegal in Japan just landed her with a spell in a cell on top of things.
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