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Nagoyankee (Offline)
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10-06-2009, 01:19 AM

Originally Posted by knucKles View Post
So you got the right answer then? I tried "ka-fuu" but if you hit the spacebar to convert into Kanji it came up with some bullshit. When I type "hi-fuu" and spacebar, 日風 comes up first but the following suggestion is 火風. If you have a better answer, let me know and I start to worry.
Did ya think I was a Yankee killin' time on JF or something? I'm a seasoned native speaker of Japanese.

on + on = good
kun + kun = good

kun + on = no good (except for the few kanji words that don't exist in Chinese but were later on created by the Japanese)
on + kun = no good (same as above)

There is a word 火風(かふう) but it's rarely used. It's not in the active vocabulary of the vast majority of Japanese. I don't think that guitarist knew the word and chose it for his tattoo. I think he just went for the literal translation of his band's name "Firewind" and someone gave him the two kanji.

Show 「火風」 to some Japanese and ask how to read it. Most of them will say 「ひかぜ? What is it?」 or 「かふう? What does that mean?」. If someone read it ひふう like you did, he should go back to school. We are strictly trained not to mix on's and kun's since 1st grade. 
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