JF Ossan
Posts: 12,200
Join Date: Jun 2007
10-06-2009, 04:47 PM
Originally Posted by Shanis
Yo, I've just read an article about a ranking that is made every 3 years I think. In the ranking they compare the expected average life span and number of an illiterates in different countries, they even developed an index to calculate to have a number to comper (index goes from 0 (very very poor) to 1 (best possible), but none is able to get a 1 xD). I just felt like telling you about it cause it's kinda interessting 
Originally Posted by Shanis
Well life span and illiteracy are the only things mentioned at niger, there aren't any other factores named in that article but I think there are some more cause they always mentioned the "index" with every countries position but no explenation how to calculate it :/
I am confused then.