Originally Posted by YoshimiTheEthereal
Um, I actually said that maybe three or four posts ago(it's the last post on the previous page).
On the fourth of January, Versailles will have a memorial ceremony for Jasmine You at SHIBUYA O-EAST. They will be performing along with Kaya and Matenrou Opera. Doors open at 5:00 pm, and the performance(s) will begin at 6:00 pm. The cost for advance tickets will be 4,000 yen; tickets at the door on the day of the event will be 4500 yen.
In about two hours, Tainted Reality will be airing their interview with Versailles, in which Versailles will discuss V-ROCK FESTIVAL '09, their upcoming album, and for the first time in American media, the passing of Jasmine You. If anybody is interested, as I mentioned before, it's going to be in about two hours at taintedreality.net.