Thread: Post a poem!!!
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Aether (Offline)
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10-08-2009, 01:06 PM

I'll post a few as I find them.

To try so hard
To do everything right
To find the answers
To every question in life
To search for an unknown
To find who we are
To look beyond tomorrow
To keep the past in sight
To face hardships
To stand up when we fall
To take second chances
To go for it all
To learn from mistakes
To be a better person
To live a better life
To smile when we cry
To live when we should die
To help everyone we know
To be happy forever
To know it may not be possible
To try even so

This is one I did for a creative writing class in high school. Each line has one more syllable than the last.

Fill the
Echoing noise
Through the silence of air.
Drip by drip, they trickle forth
Filling the emptiness, the void.
Reflections of tomorrow are heard.
Then we wake to find the sounds are still there.


Another random poem I found.

Hark! Twilight calls,
Forth from the Nether
The siren sings
A forlorn melody

Puppet master of the world
Strings of fate in hand
Shadows pulled to dance
To the rhythm of a whisper
The figures speak by steps of their feet
Zealous and eager, moving without thought
Effect after effect; no cause in reason
Draws the strings taut to the point of breaking
A step too far, for to gain is to lose
When a fool's victory is all that is won

An end begun, the deed is done
We all plummet from the sun
Light succumbs
Darkness prevails
Minds closed to what forethought entails


A Tune

One wakes to the sound of a tune
Beat by beat it presses onward
Step by step they move forward
Time relinquishes its grasp on the world
As all stands still if just for a moment
The rhythm continues as well as fate
As all good things meet their demise
To take hold unwilling to what once was
Unable to grasp what is unable to be seen
Stuck in a mindless dream
To awake to the life that the world brings



The snow that falls from the sad winter sky
Is a reminder that we all come to die
In the spring the life will be reborn
And the cycle repeats in a promise sworn
How can the summer justify a coming end
We all remain in bliss in the ignorance we lend
The end, the downfall, the Fall has come
Just to touch the snow as we all fall numb

Where is the hope in those who have passed
To only live in memories which we wish to forever last
A smile, a face, the sound of a gentle voice
They all fade in time without even a choice
How can we bear living in a gift called life alone
Surrounded by lonely faces always unknown

In life eternal there is no meaning
For a life is a chance given only once, dreaming
Wake never more for once we do
We will never remain, as once we knew

Snow falls from the eyes of the sky
Dreaming of warmth, some can only cry
White forever, embers so light
Living life, the only fight


Here's the last one I will put up for now. Maybe some more later.

Flames of tomorrow
Remind us of today
The present never present
In the minds of yesterday

A step taken forward
Forces us to look back
On all that has happened
And all that we lack

An eternity gazing beyond
Only to stare before us
Unable to understand
That life has no compass

Emptiness creates a void
The flames create a glow
With new found strength
We look beyond tomorrow

We slowly close our eyes
To calmly open our mind
Images of the impossible
Give sight to the blind

Visions of the future
Form in time long ago
To understand that today
Is just tomorrow's shadow

For there to be darkness
There must be a light
One that inspires us
And one that gives us sight

Last edited by Aether : 10-08-2009 at 01:29 PM.
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