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TalnSG (Offline)
Busier Than Shinjuku Station
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10-08-2009, 01:19 PM

In the 1960s after the marketing of mini-skirts, it was a common for us to have to kneel on the floor to check our hem lines. If the skirt didn't brush the floor, we were sent home to change and penalized. But there were a lot of waistbands being rolled up between the random inspections.

The funniest was a school I went to in Mississippi. We were issued these hideous one-piece dark red cotton jumpsuits. The bottom half had bloomers with elastic in the hems instead of shorts. They were the worst things I have ever seen a female have to wear! One weekend we rebelled and my entire class took there suits home ("to be washed") and made alterations. All of removed the elastic in the legs and then we added decorations according to our own tastes. I simply added a white eyelet ruffle to the loosed hem of the pant legs. The school was not happy, but with all of the 8th grade girls doing it together decided against punishment and left us alone. Strength in numbers sometimes works.

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