10-08-2009, 04:28 PM
I think I was lucky.
My highschool was pretty uncaring about these things.
We had a dress code like any other school, but the only thing they band were disrespectful cloths, and you couldn't dye your hair, say pink or something like that..
Which I think was a smart thing. When you place all these restrictions on kids, like most schools are starting to do now, It makes kids want to rebel. Makes them want to wear shorter skirts, and dye their hair. If the people running the schools didn't make such a big deal about those sorts of things, they would never have any problems with it.. people at my school rarely did things wrong, and everyone was much happier when they could choose there own clothes. It never affected out grade..Hell we were the highest ranked highschool in the state for three years in a row.
And we didn't have problems with our students outside of the school. Everyone was pretty chill. Without all the restrictions at the school kids didn't feel the need to rebel so much, so gangs/drugs/ anything like that was pretty scarce.
"Know the smallest things and the biggest things, the shallowest things and the deepest things. As if it were a straight road mapped out on the ground ... These things cannot be explained in detail. From one thing, know ten thousand things. When you attain the Way of strategy there will not be one thing you cannot see. You must study hard." Miyamoto Musashi