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hippykiller1 (Offline)
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Location: Portland, OR
10-08-2009, 05:01 PM

Around 10,000yen per day is a good way to go about it. But its nice to have more saved up to experience different aspects of Japan. Just so you can be more comfortable and worry less about your budget.

If you're running around Japan and you see a place where you can have a gourmet meal, and its 4,000yen; its nice to know you won't have to worry about the costs.

If you decided to stay at some hostels ($30 or so per night) or do some overnight train/bus trips and sleep there, that can help you cut some corners. Homestays is something I'd also suggest. I did this and payed around $175 per WEEK with MEALS. Of course, with all the places you plan on visiting, it might not be practical. Maybe if you have an early flight leaving Japan and slept in the airport (although not too comfortably), you can cut some cost there.

But still, I say figure out your budget, then double it. Cause when I went, the cost of Japan snuck up on me quick.
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