Thread: Tattoo
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JayAyeAre (Offline)
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10-08-2009, 09:52 PM

yeah I get what yall are saying. It's embedded in yalls ideology respectfully. But if you look at it without any culture or ideology affecting it, associating people who have tattoos with criminal organizations is to associate people who wear clothes with criminal organizations. There is always going to be bad and good in every type of group whether it be race, gender, type of work, etc.. and to stereotype a certain group into a morally wrong organization is prejudice.

There's good and bad Japanese people
There's good and bad Mexican people
There's good and bad females
There's good and bad doctors
There's good and bad priests
There's good and bad old people
and there's good and bad young people.

As I said before I know it is embedded in your ideology respectifully..
but it is good to think without any boundries, to have a free mind.
You will realize what life and people really have to offer.
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