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SSJup81 (Offline)
Busier Than Shinjuku Station
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10-09-2009, 06:18 PM

I forget my phone a lot. Anyway, my main use of my phone is for an emergency. I don't even have one of those "real cellphones". I have a Tracfone. I rarely ever use it. I use it more to hold phone numbers and as an alarm more than I actually talk on it. lol

To be completely honest, I don't care to talk on the phone much. Seems to take a lot of concentration for me to pay attention, unless the call is business related, and even then, I'd use a home phone. I also tell people if they need to get in touch with me, call me using the home phone. If it's an emergency, and you can't get me on the home, then call me on the cell. The cell = back up, not primary.
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