Originally Posted by noodle
I'm sorry, but only an Obama fanatic would say something like that... Him winning the prize is a joke because he hasn't actually achieved anything yet. Granted there is a lot of hope and he is working towards a lot of things, but so are other people in the world. A prize this prestigious should be held solely for people that have actually achieved some sort of world changing *can't think of the word*...
Exactly, Let's go a bit and take Obama out of the picture and only look at the office and it's accomplishments so far (Obama's but without him). What I'm trying to say it's not about Obama and his character, but the fact that the office he holds hasn't done anything yet.
What this says about the process is if they like you, you have a huge chance to get the prize over someone else, i.e. charismatic wins the day over hard work.
I read (a headline) this last night on yahoo, and did not believe it, I thought it was more of a "what if" situation. I couldn't think if any accomplishments that warrant him to getting the award. I would even say Jimmy Carter was more deserving (having spent his post-President working on middle east peace). I don't agree with some of the things Carter has done, but I could see where the prize would be awarding to his actions. I don't see this with what Obama has done so far. You don't give a prize for future accomplishments, you give prize then.
It's like your favorite team not even playing and getting the win, when you don't know if they would've won or not.
Originally Posted by SSJup81
I'd still say "congratulations" regardless and then go on about my business.
Not the point, it was a response to this, "two sides of the same coin" would be the phrase here.
It's just like people cheering when the US didn't get the Olympics as an "in your face" to Obama without realizing that it was bad for America. That's how much some people hate him. So what you are going to hear is how the prize is a joke, meaningless, etc. to try and diminish its significance.
1 Corinthians 10: 31-33
31 Whether therefore ye eat or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God. 32 Give none offense, neither to the Jews, nor to the Gentiles, nor to the church of God. 33 Even as I please all men in all things, not seeking mine own profit, but the profit of many, that they may be saved.