Originally Posted by YuriTokoro
Could you correct my English, please?
"Farewell Party"
I gave a farewell party for one of my friends from bellydancing class.
She is going to Kobe, which is very far from Kawasaki. I will be missing her. When I bellydanced for the first time at the bellydancing party, she danced with me. It was very fun to practice together, and to talk about the costumes for the party.
We were sad to say goodbye, so we took many pictures with her on the road.
I wish she lives in happiness in Kobe.
Thank you.
Just a few revisions as well, Yuri. The statement about "return road" confused me. Do you mean the pictures were taken as she was leaving the farewell party?
Originally Posted by YuriTokoro
I meant me and the class.(Four from the class)
What should I have written?
To my thinking, you had the correct sentence. You were talking about the group that you were a part of all expressing the same feelings to the one who was leaving the group. In that case, "we" is the proper pronoun.