Originally Posted by clintjm
So with this statement because we have some aspects of the nation handled by the federal government, health care should be too?
I didn't say it should, I said it can be. the VA, Medicare, Medicaid...all government programs.
I think many people are against it just because Obama is president. If his administration had declared to abolish national health care the same people would be against it, too.
Originally Posted by samurai007
Oh no, I'm not even 1/10th their level, and I have no intention of reaching their level. You don't see me screaming F*** Obama and calling for his assassination like they did to Bush. But I'm going to be open and forthright in my feelings about him and his policies, not say "well, he's the President, so I can't really say anything against him out of respect to the office..." Didn't the left cheer when Hillary said "I'm sick and tired of people who say that if you debate and disagree with this administration, somehow you're not patriotic. We need to stand up and say we're Americans, and we have the right to debate and disagree with any administration."? Well, now it's our turn to debate and disagree with the administration...
Debating and disagreeing are fine, no one would deny that. But even in this thread alone you have said he is an "a-hole three times over", and should have been 205 on the list of 205 nominees without even knowing who the other nominees are. That isn't debate or disagreeing, that's just blind disdain.