Originally Posted by Mortry
No, can't help you, I'm a noob in Japanese myself...
But I think it says something with
tomorrow (ashita)
too (mo)
die (shinjiteitaiya)
I know tomorrow & too 4 sure, but I can't really translate that 'shinjiteitaiya'...
You'll just have to wait 'till someone who is good in japanese replies 
This explanation is for you, just cause I'm trying to put off doing real work

. The verb for 'die' is 死ぬ(しぬ) shinu. What you've got there is 信じる(しんじる)shinjiru, to believe. To help you understand how it's conjugated, I'll break it up into parts. 信じる here is in it's ーて form. In this case, the verb was conjugated as ーている. ーている was then conjugated with the ~たい verb ending which means to want the action or want to perform the action.
Example: 行く(いく)iku (Go/to go) 行きたい(いきたい)ikitai (Want to go).
After that, I'm not by any means certain, but my hunch is that the speaker wasn't speaking in the tokyo dialect because they used や instead of だ (This is just a guess, but I'm pretty confident in my guess otherwise I wouldn't hazard my opinion. Still, take it with a grain of salt). I'm not really confident enough in its usage to discuss how the ~ている form works, but I hope you can see how the verb was constructed, at least.