Originally Posted by noodle
No, I'm actually serious. As someone not living in the US, I had no idea people were so negative about Obama. I'm sure many foreigners don't have a clue, so I was wondering why you posted a clip that illustrated that!
The talk show host here supports Obama. The clips of people being negative against him are high profile conservative talk show hosts who make a living cutting Obama down. This is what I have been talking about for months, but if it took a video clip to illustrate what I am talking about, I am glad it was helpful in getting my point across.
However, did you watch the whole thing? Overall I think it is a positive piece about the president, and he still has a majority approval rating, which actually got a 3% bump after the announcement of the Nobel Prize win.
Why would I not post the clip?
But I have to ask, have you read this thread? There is a noisy slice of America that is incredibly negative towards him, and some of that is seen here.