Originally Posted by MMM
The talk show host here supports Obama. The clips of people being negative against him are high profile conservative talk show hosts who make a living cutting Obama down. This is what I have been talking about for months, but if it took a video clip to illustrate what I am talking about, I am glad it was helpful in getting my point across.
However, did you watch the whole thing? Overall I think it is a positive piece about the president, and he still has a majority approval rating, which actually got a 3% bump after the announcement of the Nobel Prize win.
Why would I not post the clip?
But I have to ask, have you read this thread? There is a noisy slice of America that is incredibly negative towards him, and some of that is seen here.
Yeah, I did watch the whole thing. I agree that overall it is a positive clip, however, for someone that has heard only good things from the media about Obama (overly positive in many cases), the negatives had a bigger impact! When you've spoken about this in the past, I assumed it was because the election was so fresh, so people that didn't vote for Obama, would naturally be negative towards him. I didn't realise it was this severe. I guess this explains why you were on the defensive about my posts. I hope you don't think I have that Obama Derangement Syndrome.
To be honest, I haven't read every post in this thread. I did see some negativity, but that was more about policy, rather than the man himself!
As for why would you not post it, I don't know. I just wanted the know the purpose of it! What you wanted to achieve. For example, if you posted the acceptance speech to illustrate him being noble and gentlemen like about accepting such a prize, I would have understood.