Originally Posted by honoraryjapanesegirl
Okay...so I didn't know, I'm sorry, just responding to the original thingy. I don't have the time to read 11pgs. worth of this. I don't like him no. He has done many bad things, and that I do not respect, it's not because of his race, nor his political stance. It's what you do, not the extra fluff.
There thats better say you dont like him. Dont sugar coat it by jumping on the bandwagon thats what i dont respect, which is what you did by posting wrong info. I dont like Mccain because of the policy's i felt he would enact. Different points of view no harm no foul.
The video is on page 16 and its only 10 min and points out a lot good facts. You think hes done bad things we are going to disagree on that one since iv personally seen the good hes done so there is no point beating it to death.