When I was twelve, I went on this one website called
glitter-grapgics.com, and I searched “Music,” which, as we all know, is a very big category. Well, on the twentieth page, an animation of Bou came up.
Now, I had no idea that J-Rock existed, let alone had different styles. I clicked on the picture and saw a comment that said, “O-M-G, Bou is so cute!” *(or something along those lines.)* So, I searched “Bou” in Google images, and got pictures of cosplayers. – I didn’t know that they existed, either. So, I just moved on. Well, two years later, I went back onto the same website, searched “music” again, and on the hundredth page, the same picture came up. I recognized it, so I clicked on it again. But this time there was a difference, one of the comments said that Bou had quit the band “AnCafé,” so I went onto YouTube and searched them, clicked on a PV, andd…<3.
*(Yes, I found out about them almost a year after the LA show, and one year after he quit.)* - Soooo sad! )':