Well, since I'm new here and I've already started posting, I figured I should probably introduce myself. Before you all start thinking, "WOAH! SHE'S WEIRD! o_O"
My real name is Tyler and yeah, I am a girl. I'm also almost sixteen! My birthday's on the 20th of December. I completely adore J-Rock, especially AnCafe<3. *(Incase that wasn't obvious already.)*
I love modeling, drawing, acting, singing, photography, music, writing, traveling, animals and learning about new things. - Especially when it comes to Japan! ^__^
I guess you could say that I get obsessed with things really easily, I kinda collect obsessions.
I love helping others, too. When and if I do become a model, I want to use that chance to help the world. Maybes I'll end world hunger, find a cure for cancer, discover something, end war, or even better!
. I have very big dreams.
I have a habbit of talking a lot... So, if I get on your nerves, please tell me! I'm also a very, very blunt person. I hate liers.
Nyappy facts!
1) I was born in Florida.
2) I'm moving to Japan when I get older.
3) Education is very, very important to me.
4) I have very strong opinions about certain things and I'm not afraid to voice them.
5) I never get mad, and if I do, it only lasts a day.
6) I'm always really random and hyper.
7) I love making graphics! Though I'm not very good.
8) My favorite color, song and movie change daily.
9) I'm good at keeping secrets.
10) Miku is my celebrity crush<3.
If you want to know more... Just ask!
I love being asked questions, lol.