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(#3 (permalink))
kiv78 (Offline)
New to JF
Posts: 23
Join Date: Oct 2009
Wink 10-15-2009, 07:42 AM

thanks atheistwithfaith.forgive my bad english.
in fact no one mail except non-japan living.
ihad found this forum a few days ago and realized there is so many diverse people who like japan and want to learn japanese with a lot of ambition and curiosity.
so many guerrillas here!
it hit me.
so i made suggestion.

it may be generous.but on the other hand,we have same risk .we dont know each other and are both beginners as teacher and student.(im sutudying how to teach)so there may be same benefit.and more ican grow sense of diversity without flight ticket,every saturday.
real comunication"(survival comunication??) always have risk.
so that's what make it so cahallenging,effective and fun.
so i want you to become bold.
if you feel fishy or strange you should come,it may be more effective in learnig.
now the teachers are two.(i call my friend to join this crazy suggestion.)we are planning class input&practical one such as akihabara tour(my friend↑works at electronics R&D in akihabara),business manner etc.

i hope this program work effective.
if you judge it not work or im not good teacher ,you can quit whenever you want.
if you scared to meet someone you dont know.please take your friend togother.
do you need more rule?

Last edited by kiv78 : 10-15-2009 at 11:20 AM.
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