JF Old Timer
Posts: 348
Join Date: Nov 2007
Location: Sg
10-16-2009, 03:22 AM
Originally Posted by LucifersCurse
umm i know this sounds stupid but what is pvs? 
PV are promotional video.
That's all I know. Don't ask me why aren't they called music videos XD;
Originally Posted by jrocker21
yeah.. but idk if the sites have the albums/singles.
most of the time it's out of stock.
usually i would ask kawn for this cause she knows where to get the albums.
hold on.....
okok.. erm.. you can get them at brand-x.jp too.(This site is in Japanese. But they accept overseas order as well. Here's the guide on how you can order.. But the payment method is very limited unlike cdjapan.)
HMV japan is also another choice. They have English site, just choose from the option. Their shipping fees are slightly cheaper than cdjapan too.
Simplified version :
Discount - cdjapan(shopper's point & coupons etc..)
Goodies - brand-x(they always have extra goodies that cdjapan or hmv japan don't give)
HMV Japan... I don't know what's good there except for their slightly cheaper shipping fee.
Anyway I know there was a period of time where their new release wasn't available at cdjapan but it's all up again now.
Originally Posted by Totto
Who is this guy?

Who cares about the guy XD? The girls are the stars ^^
Btw, where did you find the pic?
They look gorgeous ;DD
PS : I just got too bored in school so I came back to take a lookie ~ HELLO ALL ~