i have ostracised microsoft crap from my computer.
right now i am booting ubuntu linux 9.04. and guess what?? it hasn't been infected with a zillion viruses yet, there are no annoying pop up notifications on boot up, the desktop enviornment is miles ahead of anything microsoft makes, has freeware versions of all the apps i uaed with windows... and also, it's fun.. with wondows, i'd find myself wanting to throw my computer into a bucket of wallpaper paste. nowdays, it's actually fun to use my computer...
not to mention, there are better freeware c++ compiling programs for linux, and if i want some windows software, i can wine it for the most part. the only exceptions i've come across with wine have been itunes (that's not cool, but ok) and some 3d games (i hate games for the most part so i'm good there
seriously, i am done with microsoft forever
it is purely osx and linux for me
might get an actual macbook sometime, but for now my lenovo will have to do- need an external harddrive so i can install ipc osx and dual boot between linux and osx.- i've already tried dual booting them on one hdd, figured from the start it would fail, but worth a shot.