Originally Posted by DougLewis
I try to assist with practical use of English language, meaning the common form and uses rather than the technical aspects.
I try to provide common English expressions - these usually work well in causing people to ask for explanation. Explanation is a good chance to increase understanding.
Questions are the name of the game. It is bewildering.. words can often be used as questions as an example - "Really?"
The problem is Doug, is that your less funny and more utterly confusing to people for whom English isn't a first language. Play on words are all very well, but only when you've got a complete grasp of English and can see the merit in them. Otherwise it just makes things difficult for learners and smacks more of 'showing off' than teaching. I mean, it takes ME a moment or two to follow some of the things you write, never mind someone who's still learning the language. And before you apologize for being 'offensive', it's not; it's just a wonder why, as a native speaker and a teacher, you don't phrase things more simply. Seriously, "preventing a core group from bonding into an association with possible political influencial powers" is such an awkward, over-complicated sentence.