Are ya kidding? when I joined the forum first, i was 15 yrs old as i mentioned in the post u quoted. And i am now 16 yrs old, so wut's ur prob??
I can c u have a lack of knowledge in math and calculation~~ otherwise, u r getting blind lol, namely, losing ur ability to c. BTW, u don't need to intervence and involve ur self in questions which r directed to me, buddy, right?! plus, ur comments r kinda disturbin me; u r acting as though u were an investigator of sth....
As for the former question concerning my location, I only wrote that i live in NY in my prof, which is not besed on a fact! but i honestly hope to go there, maybe sooooon~~
How about keeping to the topic of the thread?! so wut ya think? u haven't convinced me yet! go on~~ try to post more arguments....