Originally Posted by SSJup81
I'm trying to figure out how samurai figures that the economic crisis is Obama's mess when it started under Bush...which would mean Obama inherited it. I'm starting to wonder about him. o_O
Because none of you seem to know the facts about how this economic crisis started, who pushed for more regulation, and who opposed it. You are just saying "Bush was President" without examining the details of what happened.
YouTube - Fannie Mae Freddie Mac Barack Obama & John McCain
YouTube - Burning Down The House: What Caused Our Economic Crisis? Bombshell
YouTube - Shocking Video Unearthed Democrats in their own words Covering up the Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac Scam that caused our Economic Crisis
YouTube - Obama Ranks Second In Freddie & Fannie Contributions
These are just the tip of the iceberg, but they'll help get you caught up to what happened. ACORN (and Obama) had more to do with this as well, since they were pressuring (and threatening to sue) banks that refused sub-prime mortgages, calling them "racist" for refusing to lend to people who couldn't pay it back, many of whom were minorities. And that demographic is why many Dems kept pushing and defending sub-primes, and attacking anyone who tried to regulate them, and also why some Republicans chickened out of forcing the regulation through even when they had control of the Senate... they were afraid of being called "racist". (The race card has been a Dem favorite for a very long time...)