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10-19-2009, 06:40 PM

Originally Posted by MMM View Post
And I am sorry samurai, I am not going to watch a bunch of Fox "News" videos. If you have some text sites I will be happy to scan them.

I think we can both agree there isn't one person to blame for the economic crisis we are in.
Agreed. We can sit all day and blame the Government for tuning a blind eye or blame Americans for not being responsible with their money (which is the one i pin it on the most) or blame banks for lending to anyone and everyone under the sun lets not forget the investments firms that basically made back ally deals written down on napkins ect ect. The list goes on however the trap that a lot of Americans are falling into is the blame game. We spend more time looking for someone to blame than we do finding a fix for the problem. Its important to be mindful of the past but not at the expense of the future.

Last edited by Sinestra : 10-19-2009 at 06:43 PM.
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