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samurai007 (Offline)
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10-19-2009, 08:24 PM

Originally Posted by MMM View Post
And I am sorry samurai, I am not going to watch a bunch of Fox "News" videos. If you have some text sites I will be happy to scan them.

I think we can both agree there isn't one person to blame for the economic crisis we are in.
You're the person that posted Rachel Maddow, who is clearly more biased than most anything FOX puts out...

Also, not all of them are from FOX. The one explaining in detail what happened, and the one showing Dems arguing against reform are not from FOX. I'm at work now and can't dig up printed sites, but you probably won't like those sources much better anyway. Dems are trying very, very hard to cover up the fact that Bush and the Reps called for Freddie and Fannie to be regulated and warned that they were in trouble, and the Dems were the ones that fought against it, calling it a "racist lynching".

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